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Outings Update February 2025

Get your comfy shoes ready!
Get your comfy shoes ready!

To view what's coming up and to book on any Outings please visit the Outings webpage, alternatively you can book during one of the monthly meetings.

Please Note

All outings are run alongside The Forge WI. If you'd like to attend any please ensure you have completed the 2025 Outings Declaration which can be found on the Members Page. Alternatively the form can be completed during one of the monthly meetings.

Outings Roundup

We are about to start the 2025 Programme of outings. Please keep checking the website as more outings will be added and details of each outing will be finalised nearer the time.

About 2 weeks before each outing we will set up a WhatsApp group to keep people informed of last minute changes such as bad weather, change of meeting time. Please ensure you have given your mobile number to Gill. After the outing we can share photos on the chat. The chat will be deleted approximately one month after the outing.

Future Outings

  • Chesterfield Observatory - Thursday 20th February - payment of £4.50 per person is needed by 5th February. Shelagh will be the host for this outing

  • The Everest Curry night -Wednesday 26th February - just 4 places left - balance of £15 due on 5th February. Total price £25 per person

  • National Ballet screening at The Light Cinema-Thursday 20th March - please let Gill know if you have booked a ticket for this but have not completed an RSVP

  • Edensor and afternoon tea - Saturday 22nd March - deposits due by 5th February. Numbers will be confirmed with the tea room on 10th February

  • Thornbridge Hall- Saturday 5th April - 5 places left - I will be giving any spare places back on Monday 10th February. If you would like to join us after this date, you will need to book your own ticket

  • Steve walk-Another monument at Weston Park - Thursday 24th April

  • Peak Rail visit and train ride - Sunday 18th May

  • Tissington Well Dressing Festival - Monday 2nd June

  • Steve walk-Moss Valley Meander - Thursday 10th July

  • Steve walk- Rother Valley - Sat 26th July

  • Steve walk- Prisoner of war camp - Thursday 28th August

  • Manchester Library visit - Monday 22nd September - please rsvp as soon as possible so I can try and book a table in the library for lunch

For future outings see Upcoming Outings, book online or at the Outings Desk during a monthly meeting

Deposit Reminders!

All payments are to be made in cash to Gill.

  • 5th February - balance of curry night out £15

  • Chesterfield Observatory Visit £4.50 per person

  • Edensor Afternoon Tea deposit £10 per person

  • Thornbridge Hall £22 per person.

General notes

All members, friends and prospective members are invited onto any of the outings. The outings should be booked via

  •  the website

  • or by sending Gill a WhatsApp message on 07905922905

Once you have booked an outing, if you need to cancel or change anything, please let Gill know via WhatsApp. If you get a thumbs up to your message, it means I have seen it.

When you have booked on an event via the website, you will get an email to confirm your booking. Save this email as it contains all the trip details, if you don’t receive an email, please contact Gill to confirm. Thank you.

For all outings that state “please book your own ticket”, you need to RSVP to the outing on the website as well as booking your own ticket so Gill knows you are going. This helps arrange car shares and ensure the outing can start on time.

Outings for 2025 are being put on the website as I book them. Some may be popular and will sell out due to limited number of places available, so keep an eye on the website. As the saying goes, if you snooze, you lose!

For the 2025 outings programme, Gill will try to organise

  • 1 x day outing each month from March to October

  • 1 x evening outing each month from March to November

  • 1 x meal out to a different cuisine every other month

If there are any other outings you wish to organise yourselves, Nik and Gill will help you put them on the website.

If you have any questions, please talk to Gill or WhatsApp Gill on 07905922905

Have your say

If you have any thoughts or ideas you'd like to share or suggest please use the Contact Us form so we can follow it up.



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