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May news

All photos from this month's activities are available to view on the front page of the website.


At our April meeting we were visited by  James Taylor from  Elegance Music on Terminus rd, Millhouses. He played us a variety of music and then led us in a sing song to end the evening off.

Cake Rota

May - all to bake please!

We would like to put on a good display of cakes for Howard Middleton's visit. No pressure, just do your best signature bake.


Now is the time to pay your subs if you haven't already.

Craft Corner

We will continue to work on our own projects and start to make items for sale at our summer and Christmas table top sales.

For future Craft and Natter dates see 'What's on'

Book Group

April’s book was  Silent playground by Denuta Reah. The book was deemed as okay until the end when it got confusing. We loved the local element of the book being set in Sheffield centering round Hunters Bar, Endcliffe Park, Bingham Park, the allotments and along the river by the Spinning Wheel up to Forge Dam. We also liked the note on the allotment notice board which was to warn all the paper boys in the area not to take a short cut, because a flasher had been seen around. The book scored 6/10.

For future Book Group dates see 'What's on'


The first walk of the season on  Saturday 6 th April was round Damflask Reservoir. Damflask reservoir was constructed in 1867 as one of a group of reservoirs in the area built to supply both fresh drinking water and a guaranteed supply of water to the population and industries of Sheffield. We met at Lower Bradfield and set off to walk round the reservoir a distance of approximately 3.5 miles. Thankfully it was a dry and fairly warm day and the ground was quite good, only being muddy in a few places. After the walk we were ready for our meal at The School House. In all we walked 4.9 miles.

The first outing was to Eyam Hall on Sunday 14th April. The hall is only open to the public 28 days a year. Eyam Hall, built in 1672, just six years after the plague in Eyam, is a wonderfully unspoilt example of a small Jacobean Manor House. Home of the Wright family for eleven generations, visitors can enjoy family portraits and furniture belonging to each generation. It was interesting to see some family artefacts on display from various periods in the hall’s history.

Our group photo also shows our new prototype banner, which will be remodelled before being used this season for our walks and outings. We were joined by several friends from other WI’s in the Midlands.  After viewing the Hall we all met up in The Miners Arms for a lovely lunch

Future Outings

The balance for anyone going to Wentworth Woodhouse is due now £5.50 per person.

All outings can be booked online or with Nik and Gill at the Outings Table.

General Cemetery Evening Walk - Thursday 9th May 6.30pm

Fancy an evening stroll? This is a short evening walk with plenty of stops, taking in the history of the General Cemetery. Please dress for the weather (rain or shine).

A donation of £5 cash is payable on the night to Weston Park Hospital. 

Book online or alternatively at the next meeting

5 Weirs Walk - Saturday 18th May 11am

This is a guided walk with Steve our History Guru. We will walk from Meadowhall along the canal. It will be a very gentle 4.5 miles with plenty of stops as Steve points out places of interest.  If you don’t want to do the whole distance, there are 2 or 3 points along the way where you can catch the tram either into town or back to Meadowhall. Learning about our waterways is one of the WI national campaigns for this year so please come along and support this event.  At the end of the walk, we can either catch the tram back to Meadowhall or if you are feeling energetic walk back. There is a £5 donation to Weston Park Hospital payable in cash on the day for this event. 

Book online or alternatively at the next meeting.

Please make sure that you have signed the new Trips agreement, if not please see Gill.

For more Outings details see 'What's on'

Social WhatsApp Group

For the Eyam outing we set up a WhatsApp group so everyone could get information about the day. Several people thought this was a good idea, so we’d like to keep the group going for all events. We thought people could use it to put on suggestions for outings or meet ups they would like to do. An example could be - I’ve seen this new coffee shop and fancy visiting 'xx' at 'xx'. Does anyone want to join me?  It could be that you’ve spotted a 'am dram' play and want to go. People can respond and link up as you wish.

If you would like to join our Social WhatsApp group, please sign up at the Outings Table


Thank you ladies for the food bank collection at our April meeting. This was delivered to Grace Food Bank the following Monday. Jake the Manager was very appreciative.

Things needed regularly 

Tinned Food (tinned meat, fish, vegetables, soups and puddings), Pasta, Jars of Pasta Sauce, Instant mashed potato, Rice, Breakfast Cereal , UHT Milk, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Biscuits, Snacks.

Currently short of (as of 15/4/24)

Breakfast Cereal, Instant Mashed potato, Microwave rice, Tinned fish, UHT Milk, Laundry Powder/Capsules, Toilet Roll, Biscuits

Tombola Prizes

We are now collecting Tombola Prizes ready for our Charity events in the summer. Last year we made up 120 and raised a lot of money for our charity with this. We need items that will fit in a gift bag. Please consider putting an extra shower gel or shampoo in your shopping.

Items that would be suitable are

  • Toiletries (men’s lady’s children’s)

  • Small children’s toys such as bubble mixture, packs of cards, small colouring books

  • Any unwanted gift that would fit in a gift bag

We also need gift bags to put the prizes in. Thank you in advance!

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