All photos from this month's activities are available to view on the front page of the website.
Our July meeting was a little unconventional, we started our activity outside even though it was rather cold! We had fun trying to spin plates, juggle and balance with two & three sticks. The children playing outside were rather bemused by all these ladies doing this! Once the midges started to bite we moved inside for more juggling with bean bags and scarves, which caused much hilarity when things didn't go quite right.
See what's on in future meetings
Cake Rota
Sue Coldwell
Gillian Wagner
Sue Hudson
Linda Barnes
Craft Corner
We will continue to work on our own projects and start to make items for sale at our summer and Christmas table top sales. Zig-zag scarves are well underway for the Christmas markets!
For future dates see 'What's on'
Book Group
Our book this month was Miss Benson's Beetle by Rachel Joyce. Our review was very mixed and was definitely a ‘marmite’ book in that you either completely loved it or disliked it. Some of the comments were - funny, unbelievable, light-hearted, tedious and good character descriptions. Some felt it was too much of an unbelievable story, whilst others liked this and went with the eccentricities of the book and thought it was fabulous.
The book scored 6.5/10
July - The Defence by Steve Cavanagh
August - A three dog problem by SJ Bennett
For future dates see 'What's on'
Wentworth Woodhouse Visit - Sunday 16th June. We had a fabulous day visiting the house and the gardens. Our guide for the day was so knowledgeable and made us all feel so welcome.
Future Outings
Bishops House Tour - Monday 15th July 7pm This is a guided tour of the house, the tour will last about an hour. We plan to go to the Cross Scythes pub after for a drink and a natter. The cost for this outing is £3 per person payable on the night.
Saturday 3 rd August 2pm - Henleigh Hall Summer Fair followed by Picnic in the Park at 3pm.
Henleigh Hall Care home at Abbeydale has a summer fair starting at 2pm that we can go and have a look round. We will be having a book stall there to raise money for our charity. Please come along and pick up a book to add to your bookshelf. At 3pm we will be having a picnic in Millhouses Park (after Henleigh Hall) meeting near the car park at the Beauchief end of the park. Please bring along some food to share. Friends and family are welcome. We will do a weather check on the day
Money needed this month
Balance of Afternoon Tea £12 per person. There will be a sign-up sheet on the Outings Desk for you say which afternoon tea you would like and to pay your balance. There are extra charges for gluten free and vegan options.
Pottery Painting - Thursday 10th October. £5 deposit required. This will be taken off anything you paint on the night.
For more details see 'What's on'
Monthly Coffee Morning
June’s coffee meet up was at The Brook Abbeydale Road, Millhouses where we enjoyed coffee and a chat and listened to some good music. Cakes and scones were 2 for 1 which was a bonus!
July’s meet up will be at The Summer House Abbeydale Road South 10.15 am. Please let Shelagh know if you’d like to attend. Why not join our WhatsApp group to be kept in the loop.
Thank you ladies for the food bank collection at our May meeting. This was delivered to Grace Food Bank, Jackie the Manager was very appreciative.
Things needed regularly - Tinned Food (tinned meat, fish, vegetables, soups and puddings), Pasta, Jars of Pasta Sauce, Instant mashed potato, Rice, Breakfast Cereal , UHT Milk, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Biscuits, Snacks.
Summer Fair Fundraising
We will need cakes, buns, scones, and preserves for both these events.
Please sign up at the July meeting if you can bake for these events.
Sunday 14 July Woodseats Festival we a stall booked for this event please support us by either volunteering to man the stall at some point during the day or by coming along to the event.
Please contact Sue Coldwell to arrange a volunteer slot or sign up at the July meeting.
Saturday 20 July Laycocks Day we will be supporting Laycocks and fundraising for the food bank with our stall and tombola. Please support us by either volunteering to man the stall at some point during the day or by coming along to the event.
Please contact Sue Coldwell to arrange a volunteer slot or sign up at the July meeting.
Saturday 3 August Henleigh Hall Book Stall we need donations of any good quality adult or children's books for our stall.