The subscription fee for April 2024 to March 2025 is £48 which works out at £4 per month!
Who sets the fees?
WI membership subscriptions rates are set by the National Federation of the Women's Institute (NFWI) Board of Trustees, after consulting the National Council.
The Forge keeps a percentage while the rest is split between South Yorkshire Federation and the National Federation of WIs.
How do I pay?
To help with administration, the Forge WI would prefer your membership to be paid by BACS transfer into the Forge bank account, details below
Account no: 21643711
Sort code: 050803
and using your name as the reference ID
alternatively you can pay by cheque at the monthly meeting
New members will need to complete a membership form at the next meeting.
What does my Forge membership include?
a fun and welcoming place to make friends and participate in activities
eight issues of WI Life magazine
Monthly group meetings, as well as the Craft and Reading meetings.
the opportunity to involve yourself in exciting local and national campaigns
bespoke member only events held virtually and at venues around the country. The Forge coordinates regular activities which are advertised at each meeting and on the website
a new member pack including the members’ book of discount offers
training opportunities such as becoming a WI Adviser or Climate Ambassador
the option to be a WI committee member, a federation trustee and/or an NFWI trustee
access to My WI, the WI movement’s online space
Dual Membership
Dual members will pay the WI portion only to their second WI. If the WI is not utilising the flexibility policy, this will be £23.60. There is no pro-rata rate for dual membership, and the set fee will remain payable at any time during the year.
Please speak to Debbie if you want to pay your subscription as a New or Dual member, or if you have any questions.