Please read before completing the form below.
The Forge WI will from time to time offer social events in addition to our regular meetings. The social events are not part of the official WI programme. Members and their guests attend at their own risk. The Forge WI will not accept any responsibility for any accidents or incidents either on the way to and from the social events or whilst attending a social event.
Social events will be added to the website as soon as they are confirmed.
Booking events should be done by replying to the RSVP on the website. When you book, you will receive a confirmation email. Where a limited number of places are available, this will be made clear on the social events
updates on the website and at WI meetings. If a social event is fully booked, a waitlist will be started. If a place becomes available, members on the waitlist will be contacted. If we have enough members wanting to do the social event again on the waitlist, we will look at repeating the social event later and will offer the new date to those members on the waitlist first.
Where there is a cost for attending, this must be paid as detailed in the description of the social event.
You are responsible for getting to the start point of the event. We will help with this if you let the organiser of the event know at least 2 weeks prior to the start date of the event. If you do not let us know you need help, we will presume that you are able to get to the start of the event.
Help to outings will be in the form of putting you in contact with a member that may be able to offer you a lift. You will need to contact the member to arrange details.
We appreciate that circumstances change. If you need to cancel or change anything, please let Gill know via WhatsApp on 07905922905. If you get a thumbs up to your message, it means it has been seen and any actions needed have been taken. Members will be given as much notice as possible if the WI cancels a social event. Members will be contacted, and any money paid reimbursed where possible. If a member cancels, any
money paid will be forfeited unless another member can take their place. Please let the organiser of the event know if you are unable to make an outing you have booked on no matter how short notice this may be. This ensures the event can still go ahead on time.
Health and Safety
Members taking part in any activity have a duty to take reasonable care of their own and other people’s safety. Please look at the information provided for each social event to ensure you are happy participating in the event and wear the appropriate clothing.
The Forge WI accepts no liability for accidents that may occur on our social events.