Join us on the 1st Wednesday of the month
We meet at Laycocks Sports Club on Archer Road (see map) - 7.30pm
There's always an activity or talk, a few notices, time to socialise and cake of course!
You'll need £1 for refreshments and £1 for a raffle ticket. Meetings finish around 9.15pm
You can try us out for free for 3 consecutive meetings..
Find us at Laycocks Sports Club
The Forge Women's Institute was founded in 2016 as a way for local women to meet up in the area and try something new. It's a welcoming space for women to be themselves surrounded by other supportive women.
The WI is about celebrating a diverse cross section of women and we pride ourselves on the range of experiences that our membership represents. A large proportion of our members didn't know anyone before they came to their first meeting!
Our WI is very friendly and it's a great opportunity to meet like-minded women.
Monthly Meetings 2025
- Wed, 02 AprSheffield
- Wed, 07 MaySheffield
- Wed, 04 JunSheffield
- Wed, 02 JulSheffield
- Wed, 03 SeptSheffield
- Wed, 01 OctSheffield
- Wed, 12 NovSheffield
- Wed, 03 DecSheffield
We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.